This site development design was put together in response to a Land Use Application by a large national chain seeking a variance to place an over sized gas station and convenience store in the heart of the Historic Downtown District of Hayden, Colorado. Axial Arts worked with a group of Hayden residents and businesses to develop a concept that would provide a town center with a mix of upper story apartments and lower level retail stores, anchor restaurant, and public meeting space. This site design was created to illustrate the site’s potential as a vibrant and thriving amenity in the heart of town.
Axial Arts joined this effort because the Town of Hayden and many of its residents went through the exercise, and expense, of defining the Historic District in the belief that it is an important aspect to the growth of this small town. As such, many felt that should Hayden have allowed a gas station and convenience in the Historic Downtown Business District, the future of the town would have been greatly devalued by the resulting lack of cohesive identity in the center of one of the most vital areas of the community.